B.3.LetS=N×N. Let∗be the operation onSdefined by (a,b)∗(a′,b′)=(aa′,bb′).
(a) Show that∗is associative. (HenceSis a semigroup.)
(b) Definef:(S,∗)→(Q,×)byf(a,b)=a/b. Show thatfis a homomorphism.
(c) Find the congruence relation∼inSdetermined by the homomorphismf, that is, wherex∼yif
f(x)=f(y). (See Theorem B.4.)
(d) DescribeS/∼. DoesS/∼have an identity element? Does it have inverses?
Supposex=(a, b), y=(c, d), z=(e, f ).
(a) We have
(xy)z=(ac, bd)∗(e, f )=[(ac)e, (bd)f]
x(yz)=(a, b)∗(ce, df )=[a(ce), b(df )]
Sincea, b, c, d, e, f, are positive integers,(ac)e=a(ce)and(bd)f=b(df ). Thus(xy)z=x(yz)and hence∗
is associative. That is, (S,∗) is a semigroup.
(b) fis a homomorphism since
f(x∗y)=f(ac, bd)=(ac)/(bd)=(a/b)(c/d)=f(x)f(y)
(c) Supposef(x)=f(y). Thena/b=c/dand hencead=bc. Thusfdetermines the congruence relation∼onS
defined by(a, b)∼(c, d)ifad=bc.
(d) The image offisQ+, the set of positive rational numbers. By Theorem B.3,S/∼is isomorphic toQ+. Thus
S/∼does have an identity element, and every element has an inverse.
B.4.Prove Theorem B.1. Suppose∗is an associative operation on a setS. Then any producta 1 ∗a 2 ∗...∗an
requires no parenthesis, that is, all possible products are equal.
The proof is by induction onn. Sincenis associative, the theorem holds forn= 1 , 2 ,and 3. Supposen≥4.
We use the notation:
(a 1 a 2 ,···an)=(···((a 1 a 2 )a 3 )···)an and [a 1 a 2 ···an]=any product
We show[a 1 a 2 ···an]=(a 1 a 2 ···an)and so all such products will be equal. Since[a 1 a 2 ···an]denotes some product,
there exists anr<nsuch that[a 1 a 2 ···an]=[a 1 a 2 ···ar][ar+ 1 ···an]. Therefore, by induction,
[a 1 a 2 ···an]=[a 1 a 2 ···ar][ar+ 1 ···an]=[a 1 a 2 ···ar](ar+ 1 ···an)
=[a 1 ···ar]((ar+ 1 ···an− 1 )an)=([a 1 ···ar](ar− 1 ···an− 1 ))an
=[a 1 ···an− 1 ]an=(a 1 ···an− 1 )an=(a 1 a 2 ···an)
Thus the theorem is proved.
B.5.Prove Theorem B.4: Letf:S→S′be a semigroup homomorphism. Leta∼biff(a)=f(b). Then:
(i)∼is a congruence relation; (ii)S/∼is isomorphic tof(S).
(i) First we show that∼is an equivalence relation. Sincef(a)=f(a), we havea∼a.
Ifa∼b, thenf(a)=f(b)orf(b)=f(a); henceb∼a. Lastly, ifa∼bandb∼c, thenf(a)=f(b)and
f(b)=f(c); hencef(a)=f(c). Thusa∼c. That is,∼is an equivalence relation. Suppose nowa∼a′and
b∼b′. Thenf(a)=f(a′)andf(b)=f(b′).
Sincefis a homomorphism,
Thereforeab∼a′b′. That is,∼is a congruence relation.
(ii) Define:S/∼→f(S)by([a])=f(a). We need to prove: (1)is well-defined, that is,([a])∈f(S), and
if[a]=[b]thenf([a])=f([b]). (2)is an isomorphism, that is,is a homomorphism, one-to-one and onto.