(c) Sincee(a)=a, we havee∈Ha. Supposeg, g′∈Ha. Then(gg′)(a)=g(g′(a))=g(a)=a; hencegg′∈Ha.
Also,g−^1 (a)=asinceg(a)=a; henceg−^1 ∈Ha. ThusHais a subgroup ofG.
B.13.Prove Theorem B.6: LetHbe a subgroup of a groupG. Then the right cosets Ha form a partition ofG.
Sincee∈H, we havea=ea∈Ha; hence every element belongs to a coset. Now supposeHaandHbare not
disjoint. Sayc∈Ha∩Hb. The proof is complete if we show thatHa=Hb.
Sincecbelongs to bothHaandHb, we havec=h 1 aandc=h 2 b, whereh 1 ,h 2 ∈H.Thenh 1 a=h 2 b, and
soa=h− 11 h 2 b. Letx∈Ha. Then
x=h 3 a=h 3 h− 11 h 2 b
whereh 3 ∈H. SinceHis a subgroup,h 3 h− 11 h 2 ∈H; hencex∈Hb. Sincexwas any element ofHa, we have
Ha⊆Hb. Similarly,Hb⊆Ha. Both inclusions implyHa=Hb, and the theorem is proved.
B.14.LetHbe a finite subgroup ofG. Show thatHand any cosetHahave the same number of elements.
LetH={h 1 ,h 2 ,...,hk}, whereHhaskelements. ThenHa={h 1 a, h 2 a,...,hka}.
However,hia=hjaimplieshi=hj; hence thekelements listed inHaare distinct. ThusHandHahave the same
number of elements.
B.15.Prove Theorem B.7 (Lagrange): LetHbe a subgroup of a finite groupG. Then the order ofHdivides the
order ofG.
SupposeHhasrelements and there aresright cosets; say
Ha 1 ,Ha 2 ,...,Has
By Theorem B.6, the cosets partitionGand by Problem B.14, each coset hasrelements. ThereforeGhasrselements,
and so the order ofHdivides the order ofG.
B.16.Prove: Every subgroup of a cyclic groupGis cyclic.
SinceGis cyclic, there is an elementa∈Gsuch thatG=gp(a). LetHbe a subgroup ofG.IfH={e}, then
H=gp(e)andHis cyclic. Otherwise,Hcontains a nonzero power ofa. SinceHis a subgroup, it must be closed
under inverses and soHcontains positive powers ofa. Letmbe the smallest positive power of a such thatambelongs
toH. We claim thatb=amgeneratesH. Letxbe any other element ofH; sincexbelongs toGwe havex=anfor
some integern. Dividingnbymwe getaquotientqandaremainderr, that is,
where 0≤r<m. Then
an=amq+r=amq·ar=bq·ar so ar=b−qan
Butan,b∈H. SinceHis a subgroup,b−qan∈H, which meansar∈H. However,mis the smallest positive power
of a belonging toH. Therefore,r=0. Hencex=an=bq. ThusbgeneratesH, andHis cyclic.
B.17.Prove Theorem B.8: LetHbe a normal subgroup of a groupG. Then the cosets ofHinGform a group
under coset multiplication defined by (aH)(bH )=abH.
Coset multiplication is well-defined, since
(aH )(bH )=a(Hb)H=a(bH)H=ab(HH)=abH
(Here we have used the fact thatHis normal, soHb=bH, and, from Problem B.57, thatHH=H.) Associativity
of coset multiplication follows from the fact that associativity holds inG.His the identity element ofG/H, since
(aH )H=a(HH)=aH and H(aH)=(H a)H=(aH )H=aH
Lastly,a−^1 His the inverse ofaHsince
(a−^1 H )(aH )=a−^1 aHH=eH=H and (aH )(a−^1 H)=aa−^1 HH=eH=H
ThusG/His a group under coset multiplication.