HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript Fourth Edition

(Ben Green) #1


This is a line

with colored background

for some of the words.

Thestyle=thing is an HTML attribute. It is part of the span thing, which
is an HTML tag.

Save your changes and reload your webpage.

Let’s put a border around your picture. Inside your img tag, add the fol-
lowing style attribute:

style="border: thick black double"

Save your changes and reload your webpage. A thick black double line
should appear around your picture. We will talk more about borders later.

1.5 Summary

You have created your first webpage. You have done the following things,
possibly on your desktop:

  • Used h1, b, and i tags.

  • Displayed a picture.

  • Controlled the displayed size of the picture.

If you put your webpage online, you have probably also done the following

  • Shown you can cope with a control panel.

  • Created a web page in the proper directory.

  • Uploaded a picture.

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