HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript Fourth Edition

(Ben Green) #1


Up until this point in this book we have been developing for a laptop or
larger format. Today we will swing to the other end of the spectrum.

Exam Question 316(p.355): What does RWD stand for?
Acceptable Answer:responsive web design

18.1 Try It Out

Before we spend much time talking about it, let’s just take it for a test drive.
Key in this webpage.

<!DOCTYPE html>

MQ Test

Media Query Test

Matched Query:

Next, look at the website on a browser and try resizing the screen. You
should notice that at certain sizes the background color and :after content
should change. Or pull it up on your cell phone and then shift between
portrait and landscape. Or use the Chrome browser “inspect element” ca-
pability to resize the screen.

The whole point of RWD is that you can change the styling based on the
amount of screen space that is available to you.

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