HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript Fourth Edition

(Ben Green) #1


The response should include your correct IP address. If it does not, you
need to visit your registrar’s website.

Normally the problem is with the way you did your configuration.

19.5.3 Is the Web Server Correct?

If the registrar information is correct, log into your webhost and check your
domain names.

Each domain name has an assigned document root. Check them all.

The document root should have some content, like an index.html file, with
permissions like 644 to allow viewing.

19.6 Apache Web Server

Apacheis a very commonly used web server. Apache has about two thirds
(2/3) of the market (2011). Its closest competitor is Microsoft’s IIS (Internet
Information Services or Server).

Because Apache has long been the clear leader, and is so important, many
people treat it as though it weretheway to do things. We provide details
for several widely-used things that you can configure.

We already mentioned some important details when we discussed cPanel,
like the role of public html and document roots.

19.6.1 Directory Browsing

Many users know that they can take a URL and shorten it by removing the
last part of the path. Then they submit it and see what comes back.

This is called directory browsing.

If the final component of the path is a directory, and not a file, the Apache
webserver will automatically produce an index, on the fly, unless you tell it
not to.

This method can frequently be used to gain access to webpages that have
not yet been linked, and are perhaps not yet meant to be visible.

Directory browsing can be handy. You can have a directory full of files, and

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