HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript Fourth Edition

(Ben Green) #1


render: the process used by the browser to convert HTML into a usable
image. Also the process used by the browser to convert vector fonts into
raster images displayed on a webpage.

sans-serif: One of the five generic font families. It literally means “without
serifs”. Sans-serif fonts have plain ends on their strokes. Sans fonts are
commonly used for headings in web pages and printed pages.

serif: The most popular of the five generic font families. Its characters have
spikes, hooks, or barbs at the ends of the strokes. The spikes were originally
used to keep the letters from cracking when used in a printing press. Serif
fonts are commonly used for body text in web pages and printed pages.

server: the computer that is hosting your webpage. It receives requests
from the browser and sends webpages for the browser to display. Also called
a webserver.

static: something that does not change automatically, and therefore is nor-
mally the same every time we use it.

uppercase: Capital letters. Letters like “ABC” are called uppercase. Let-
ters like “abc” are called lowercase. They are also called big letters.

user: the human that is looking at your webpage.

vector fonts: To avoid the jagged edges of raster fonts, it is desirable to
define characters as mathematical curves instead of a raster of pixels. Vector
fonts are defined in terms of the curves that describe each character, and
those same curves can generate raster images in a variety of sizes. Vector
fonts are widely used now. If you magnify a vector font, the edges always
remain smooth.

webpage: A page designed for use on the web, whether or not it is actually
on the web. Can be written as “webpage” or “web page” (with a space).

webserver: A computer that makes webpages available to browsers. Can
be written as “webserver” or “web server” (with a space).

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