HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript Fourth Edition

(Ben Green) #1



Komodo has a huge advantage in platform freedom compared to other ed-
itors I have used. You can use it on Microsoft Windows, on Apple OS X,
and on Linux. the official place to download the
latest version of Komodo Edit.

I don’t have a lot of experience with Komodo yet.

23.2 Microsoft Windows

If you are using a Microsoft Windows operating system, another good al-
ternative is the text editor namedNotepad++which you can find free on
the Internet. I have recommended it in the past. the homepage for Notepad Plus Plus.
It is free. It runs on Microsoft Windows.

23.3 Just Use A Word Processor

You can actually use a word processor, but if you do, be careful to save your
work as plain text. Something like Libre Office (Open Office) should work
fine. It’s not as bad as I make it sound. the homepage for Libre Office.

23.4 What Do I Use?

For many years I have used EMACS, and it is still my go-to editor. It works
well for the kinds of things that I do, and I have memorized many of the
keyboard shortcuts (cursor movement, search, cut and paste, etc.). I see no
reason to change. But if I were starting over, I would definitely consider
other choices.

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