HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript Fourth Edition

(Ben Green) #1


sample content.

Creative Commons is a good fallback for images.

25.2.1 Lorem Ipsum

When you are trying to create a webpage layout, you often need filler text
(fake content) to show how things will generally look.

You could cut and paste something from another website, but that can result
in copyright infringement problems. Not the best plan.

You could type in blah blah blah blah blah blah until you have filled the
space you want.

You could type in yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda until you
have filled the space you want.

These things work but look unnatural. Typographers typically use some
fake Latin-looking text that is calledlorem ipsum.

How about this next paragraph? Looks pretty real. It is almost totally fake.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed et urna ut
sem malesuada varius. Nullam sit amet risus elit. Aenean dapibus, nisl
ut vestibulum euismod, sem metus rutrum est, at auctor turpis sem ac do-
lor. Integer interdum, turpis eget volutpat venenatis, lectus diam commodo
neque, cursus suscipit orci neque placerat turpis. Curabitur nisi velit, male-
suada vitae porta sit amet, consectetur ut magna. Nulla facilisi. a source for random lorem ipsum text that you
can use as filler for your own web designs.

Use any web search engine and look for “lorem ipsum” to find other good
filler text generators that are available.

Exam Question 357(p.358): What is lorem ipsum?
Acceptable Answer:filler text

Exam Question 358(p.358):What fancy name do we use to describe fake
text that is inserted into a webpage just to give it some body?
Acceptable Answer:lorem ipsum

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