HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript Fourth Edition

(Ben Green) #1


25.2.2 Project Gutenberg

Project Gutenberg has collected thousands of writings (mainly older
books) that are in the public domain (at least in the USA) because their
USA copyrights have expired.

To give you a sense of what is available, here is a list of the top ten books
downloaded from Project Gutenberg on 2012-12-23, with the one-day down-
load count in each case.

  1. A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens (1228)

  2. Les Mis ́erables by Victor Hugo (852)

  3. Grimm’s Fairy Tales by Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm (677)

  4. The Kama Sutra of Vatsyayana by Vatsyayana (583)

  5. Darkey Ways in Dixie by Margaret A. Richard (553)

  6. Twas the Night before Christmas by Clement Clarke Moore (542)

  7. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain (514)

  8. How to Analyze People on Sight by Elsie Lincoln Benedict and Ralph
    Paine Benedict (511)

  9. Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte by Karl Marx (498)

  10. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen (494)

25.2.3 Creative Commons

Creative Commonsis a concept, and also an organization. It is a place
where content can be found under liberal terms. It is a good source for
things like photographs that you cannot easily make yourself, for example,
famous people or landmarks, but that someone else has made and donated
to public use.

Works that are available at Creative Commons may be restricted in minor
ways. For example, they may require you to identify the original author.

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