HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript Fourth Edition

(Ben Green) #1


(a) You will be using thedot.tkwebsite to secure a domain name.

(b) You will be using your webhost’s control panel to (b1) create a document
root, (b2) create a homepage, and (b3) activate the addon domain.

(c) You will be using email to receive a message fromdot.tkthat lets you
prove that your email address works so they can get back in touch with you

You will bounce back and forth, control panel, and email
during the process of setting up your new domain name. the place to start.

29.1 Terms of Service is giving away domain names for free, they need to be
careful. They do not want to be abused. They worry about cyber-squatting.
They worry about copyright violations. Their terms of service require that
you actually create a website, and that you do not host illegal content such
as porn or warez or things that violate copyright, and that you not simply
park your domain name. They actively scan all their free domain names to
make sure you are not abusing their free service.

Pornmeans pornography, like pictures of nude people. It is illegal in some
places. Avoid posting it.

Warezmeans computer programs, often games, that have been illegally
modified (hacked) to avoid the anti-theft features. These features are called
DRM, for Digital Rights Management.

Copyrightmeans images (normally) or other media content that is owned
by someone else and is already posted on the web. It is easy to notice
when the same thing gets posted a second time. Avoid posting your favorite
cartoon or anime character.

Parkingmeans a webpage that is not intended to provide content, but only
to refer visitors to another website. Often these referrals collect money from
Google for providing traffic to the eventual website.

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