HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript Fourth Edition

(Ben Green) #1

Chapter 38

ch35 Content, Presentation,



38.1 Content........................ 300
38.2 Markup........................ 301
38.2.1 Presentational Markup................ 301
38.2.2 Structural Markup.................. 301
38.2.3 Semantic Markup................... 301
38.3 Monolithic Pages................... 302
38.4 Cascading Style................... 302
38.5 Separating Form and Content........... 302
38.6 Best Practices: Separation............. 303
38.7 Action......................... 304

You have created your first webpage. It includes several kinds of markup
including a picture. This is the first step. It is a big step.

We will look at a webpage as being a collection of three main ingredients.

38.1 Content

The most simple webpage consists of plain text content. It is very easy to
create. It can also be very boring, especially when you compare it with the
competition that is out there.

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