HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript Fourth Edition

(Ben Green) #1


Still, content is the main reason that people visit most websites. Content is

38.2 Markup

When you write a report, in addition to pure content you probably also use
headings, special fonts, margins, and pictures.

We can identify these things within our webpages. This is done by inserting
markupto specify, directly or indirectly, how the content should appear.

There are three main kinds of markup: presentational, structural, and se-

38.2.1 Presentational Markup

38.2.2 Structural Markup

38.2.3 Semantic Markup

Warning: Often when people say Semantic Markup, they actually mean
Structural Markup. This is a common mistake. Expect it in others. Avoid
it in yourself.

Semantic markup is focused on what the human thinks they are looking at.
Semantic markup is getting more popular. Semantic means “meaning” and
focuses on what kind of content it is, not on its structural relationships or
how it should look.

is an example of semantic markup to identify the header (top) of
a webpage.
is an example of semantic markup to identify the footer (bottom)
of a webpage.
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