HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript Fourth Edition

(Ben Green) #1


We will useGimp Menu: Fil-
ters / Map / Small Tileto see
exactly how this might look as a

The number of segments defaults
to 2. We bump it up to 3. We
can see in the upper corner a view
of how things would look. Al-
though it tiles perfectly, it has
the unfortunate result of creating
a diamond-shaped repeating pat-

Bottom line: easy to do, but creates an obvious pattern. In any given
instance, such a pattern may not be a problem. But at other times it may
be annoying. You decide.

42.5 Example 2

We can also use the cloning tool to turn an image into a tile. It has the
advantage that the repeated pattern is much less obvious. It has the disad-
vantage that it takes longer. It has the advantage that you have much more
control over the finished product.

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