HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript Fourth Edition

(Ben Green) #1


214:(p.120) What attribute lets you make styling changes smoothly instead
of instantly?

Unit I, Chapter 12: Box Model

215:(p.127) List the three major components of the box model.

216:(p.128) Does padding share the same background as the content?

217:(p.128) Can padding style be different on each of the four sides?

218:(p.128) Can “padding:” be negative?

219:(p.129) Does border share the same background as the content?

220:(p.129) Can border style be different on each of the four sides?

221:(p.129) Besides none and hidden, list the other eight “border-style:”

222:(p.130) Does margin share the same background as the content?

223:(p.130) Can margin style be different on each of the four sides?

224:(p.130) Can “margin:” be negative?

225:(p.130) Which box model parameter is used for temporary highlighting?

226:(p.130) Which box model parameter has invert as a color option?

227:(p.130) Can outline style be different on each of the four sides?

228:(p.131) Which box model parameter creates rounded corners?

229:(p.132) When we say margin: 9px 8px 7px 6px; what is the value of

230:(p.132) When we say margin: 9px 8px 7px 6px; what is the value of

231:(p.132) When we say margin: 9px 8px 7px 6px; what is the value of

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