HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript Fourth Edition

(Ben Green) #1


6.2 URL

Exam Question 101(p.342): Are spaces allowed in filenames?
Required Answer:no

Because spaces are not allowed in filenames, what can you do to get around
that limitation? There are several commonly-used options.

(a) You can simply delete the spaces. thisisaspacedeletedexample. It can
make long filenames difficult to understand.

(b) You can use a camel-case naming strategy. This is where each word of
the filename is capitalized, and spaces are deleted. ThisIsACamelCaseFile-
nameExample. Readability is good.

(c) You can substitute underscores. thisisafilenamewithunderscores.
Readability is good.

(d) If you leave the spaces in the filename, then you must use%20in the

Exam Question 102(p.342): What does %20 mean in a URL?
Required Answer:space

Exam Question 103(p.342): We identified three kinds of URLs. One is
relative. List the other two.
Required Answer:docroot, absolute

6.3 Links

6.3.1 a: Anchor

The anchor tag is used to create hyper-text links, either within a page or
between pages.

The most important attribute is thehref= attribute. It tells where the
browser should take you if you click on the link. Example:

Go to XYZ

The href= value can be specified as a relative address, a docroot-based
address, or an absolute address.

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