HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript Fourth Edition

(Ben Green) #1


If (1) is our absolute address, and (2) is the docroot address, then (3) is the
matching absolute address.




In this case, because (2) starts with a slash, we throw away the entire path
from (1), leaving us with just the domain name. Then we add the path from
(2) giving us the result in (3).

6.9 img src=...

When creating an image (img) tag, the source (src) must be specified. It can
be (R) relative, (D) docroot, or (A) absolute. (L) local is a form of absolute,
but it is only visible on the original computer. The file is not online.

(R)- relative

(D)- docroot

(A)- absolute

(L)- local

6.10 a href=...

When creating an anchor (a) tag, the http reference (href) must be specified.
It can be (R) relative, (D) docroot, or (A) absolute. Again, (L) local is a
form of absolute, but it is only visible on the original computer. The linked
webpage is not online.

(R)- relative

(D)- docroot

(A)- absolute

(L)- local

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