HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript Fourth Edition

(Ben Green) #1


The outer ring of the color
wheel uses FF (full in-
tensity) and 00 (absence)
to create the primary and
secondary web colors.

The inner ring of the color
wheel uses 80 (half inten-
sity) and 00 (absence) to
create shaded versions of
the primary and secondary
web colors.

Absent from these 12 col-
ors is orange.

CSS version 2.1 gives official names to 17 colors, including the 12 shown
in this color wheel. It also includes the color orange and four desaturated
colors: white, silver, gray, and black.

Here is the complete list of 17:aqua,black,blue,fuchsia,gray,green,

Fuchsia is named for German botanist Leonhart Fuchs. The incorrect spelling,
fuschia, is pretty common, and may even work in some browsers, but is still

Exam Question 118(p.343):What color is named for a German botanist?
Required Answer:fuchsia

Gray is also commonly spelled grey. Use gray.

Exam Question 119(p.343): What is color#ffffffofficially named?
Required Answer:white

Exam Question 120(p.343): What is color#c0c0c0officially named?
Required Answer:silver

Exam Question 121(p.343): What is color#808080officially named?
Required Answer:gray

Exam Question 122(p.343): What is color#000000officially named?
Required Answer:black

Exam Question 123(p.343): What is color#ff0000officially named?

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