HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript Fourth Edition

(Ben Green) #1


If I delete now, I will delete my face because that
is what is selected.

Notice the grey checkerboard pattern where my
face was. This pattern is the commonly-used in-
dication that the space is transparent.

Fortunately, there is Gimp Menu: Edit /
Undo. I use it to get me back to where I was.

I use the Select / Invert command to invert my
selection, thus selecting everything but my face.
Now I am ready to delete again.

After deleting, just my face remains. The rest of
the image has been replaced by transparency. I
am ready to save. I will useGimp Menu: File /
Exportto save the image as apngfile. If I saved
it as a jpg, the transparency would be replaced by
white. After saving I can upload my png file to
the web and use it as a graphic on a webpage.

Appendix 27 (page 248) gives a demonstration of how to create an image
like a logo from scratch, without using a photograph.

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