The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1
The Secret Science of Numerology

D corresponds with the Fourth Commandment, “Remember the Sab-
bath, to keep it holy.”

When the Romans took the letter from the Greeks, they put the straight
line to the left and rounded out the opposite side into a half-moon. It is
similar to a cube, or square with four sides.

D is closed in, so anyone who has a name that begins with this letter
will often feel enclosed by limitations, especially if there are several D’s in
the name. They find they must often rise above unfavorable circumstances.

D sits firmly on the line, so it is a letter of balance; it understands the
material side, and it can be opinionated. It can also be ultra-conservative,
held in by self-made boundaries.

D is not open like C, so it does not “see” as a C does. It believes more
in things seen, and has to see to believe. D should avoid business with a 3,
for 3 is an artist, while 4 is a worker, and the two seldom agree. Nor do
they get along too well with 1, 5, or 7. But 3 needs 4 to manage its career.

D’s can be workaholics and very dull, but they love their families, are
patriotic, trustworthy, and dependable. D will work hard to achieve. Just
don’t expect a D to be overly demonstrative.

Since D is almost a square, it believes in “a square deal,” it is “fair and
square,” honest, and expects the same in return. A strong foundation of
security is important to them.

Negative D’s are gloomy, too straight-laced, opinionated, argumenta-
tive, and stubborn.



///// M MmMm

Sound: m Sound: m as in mother

M – 13

Mem (mame) is the 13th letter of the Hebrew alphabet, and as 13, it is
numbered 40. It is the second of the Mother Letters and represents the
Element of Water, which is necessary for all of creation.

The letter itself is a glyph that suggests movement, a wave showing
the motion of Water. In most languages words that represent the Mother
or Water aspect begin with M: Mother (English), Mere (French), Mor

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