The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1
The Secret Science of Numerology

When the E is doubled it gives a wider expanse of expressions in either
space or the senses. We see this in the words that suggest space: Free-
dom, Deep, Meet, Keep, Seep, Fleet, and Seek.

We see it in the sense words: See, Feel, Sleep, Speech, and Teeth.
The E is progressive. The letter is open to the future (the right). It
doesn’t look back, but looks forward to new experiences. It is important
for E to have a good education.

There is a good balance line between the spiritual and physical, for
the middle line is centered. This makes E interested in the occult as well
as the material.

Since it is the fifth letter, the five senses predominate, and sensuality
makes the E more worldly than spiritual. But those who do seek the higher
level become idealistic and very intuitive.

E: Energetic. Effective.


or 700 (Final N)
11111 N NnNn

Sound: n Sound: n as in now

N – 14

Nun (noon) is the 14th letter of the Hebrew alphabet and the eighth
of the 12 simple letters. Its governing influence is the sense of smell. Nun
means fish and is the symbol of the Initiate. Nun also means growth,
meaning spiritual growth.

Fish became representative of the deeper teachings for several rea-
sons. Christianity was born in the Piscean Age, and the first letter of
Jesus’ title in Greek, translated “Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior”
(IXΘYΣ), spells out fish. And Jesus was able to live without sin while
surrounded by it, just as fish live deep in cleansing waters.

In other faiths, fish were drawn in pictures of gods and goddesses to
represent divinity.

The 5 is the mysterious middle of numbers that refers to man and his
five senses. 14 is 5 on a higher level and is the number of the Sage (14/5)
who has conquered the lower nature of the five senses and seeks the spiri-
tual path by mastering his thoughts and actions.

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