The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1

Part Five

Keys To Self-Knowledge and Word Analysis

  1. The Keys to Personal Vibrations 229

Charting Your Name

26.W: Double-You 233

  1. Y: Vowel or Consonant? 235

  2. Double Soul’s Urge Example: Walt Disney 239

  3. Prelude to Word Analysis 243

  4. The Keys to Word Analysis 247
    Analyzing Kabalistically by full numbers; Using Tarot as a
    tool; Analyzing words the same as names; The difference
    between God and dog.

  5. Solving the Mystery of the 666 257

Part Six

The New Age Inner Guidance Number

32 Introducing the Inner Guidance Number 263
The Beta state; the Alpha state (using the creative principle of
the Tree of Life); How Inner Guidance takes form; Your color
wheels key (Auric Circles; Dove of Peace).

Bibliography 275

Index of Analyzed Words 279

Index 281

About the Author 287

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