The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

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The Secret Science of Numerology

through what I teach.” And from this misinterpretation the Christian re-
ligions have used as dogmas, “only through me” and “in my name” (What
Jesus Taught in Secret, 8).

Those who do seek higher consciousness have much revealed to them
in meditation. Seldom is there a teacher of flesh and blood who appears
out of nowhere to reveal the mysteries. True enlightenment is a very per-
sonal thing. The great spiritual teachers who have progressed beyond their
earth’s incarnations are ever ready to reach out to the true seeker—who
is made known to them by the light of the seeker’s aura. So it is true that
when the student is ready, the teacher appears.

In order for the student to know he is in the presence of his spiritual
teacher, he must have his senses under control, free and clear of any
physical stimuli. Through the ages, students have noted that when a spiri-
tual Master is near, there will be a lovely scent to signify his or her pres-
ence. This can never be detected in a room filled with heavy perfume,
smoke, or even incense, nor is a Master attracted by them. These sub-
stances cannot overpower the physical sense of smell. This is why Nun
refers to the sense of smell (The Key of Destiny, 162).

As the eighth of the simple letters, Nun is astrologically associated
with the sign of Scorpio, which represents the reproductive area of
manthe sacred center of generation and regeneration.

The low Scorpio seeks sensual gratification and stimulation. The high
Scorpio is the eagle that soars above all the mundane, sensual desires and
seeks the flight of the soul to the upper regions of wisdom and unfold-
ment (The Bible and the Tarot, 87). The difference is greatbeing merely
mortal or being master of one’s circumstances.

When the Greeks borrowed the glyph Nun from the Phoenicians, they
changed the name to Nu, reversed the symbol, and then later made it
symmetrical, as the present N in English. From there the Etruscans and
then the Romans adopted it. When it came to us it kept its 14th place in
the alphabet.

N is well balanced on the Earth plane and is the very same when
reversed. It can be very sensual or spiritual since there is no line sepa-
rating the two worlds as there is in A, B, or H (A Guide to Cosmic
Numbers, 128).

Its inverted V on the left is open to the material world. Those who
never develop their higher natures remain attached to the material, sen-
sual world and never venture ahead to the V on the right that is open to
something higher than themselves.

The right V is looking up to something greater: to ideas, spiritual
understanding, and it is receptive to spiritual unfoldment. Hence Nun is
either Scorpio or the Eagle.

Because N is open above and below, it is versatile and encounters
many changes in life. It is associated with marriage and with travel.

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