The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1
The Secret Science of Numerology

The number 8 is a pictorial representation of the celestial orbits and
of cycles in life; never ending and constantly moving. Seed that is planted
goes through a cycle of growth and returns to the sower as mature fruit.

On its side, 8 (∞) is the nourishing breast that gives forth needed
nutrients for growth. It is also the scale of justice where our words and
deeds are all carefully weighed out. The cycle always returns to us in just
measure. This is reflected in the Eighth Commandment, “Thou shalt not
steal” (Exodus 20:15). Whatever we take that is not rightfully ours will
impose a karmic debt on us that will impede our progress. We must pay it
back in either this life or one to come.

In the seventh letter, Zain (Z), we were given a weapon to master. In
Cheth we have made the weapon into a plowshare to till our creative field
of consciousness with honesty and integrity so that our labor rewards us
with a fulfilling harvest. Cheth can be summed up in, “As ye sow, So shall
ye reap.”

Hé (pronounced hay or heh, as in head), the fifth letter of the Hebrew
alphabet, is the first of the twelve simple letters and its governing influ-
ence is speech.

The very act of verbalizing the letter, Hé, or H, causes the breath to
come forth. Hé is the second and last part of God’s name, Yod Hé Vau
Hé. Yod is the masculine and Hé the feminine potency. Their union brings
life, and Vau is the androgynous link that connects the two.

Because of this life-giving force, Hé is sometimes called the child-
bearing letter. This is dramatically related in the story of Abram and Sarai
in the Old Testament. When God chose Abram to be the “Father of Many
Nations,” he first changed his name to Abraham and his wife’s to Sarah.
A year later she gave birth to Isaac, and from his lineage grew many na-
tions (Genesis: 17).

The life-giving force of the letter Hé is kabbalistically related to the
Hebrew verb that means “to bear fruit” or “to blossom,” Awbab, or ABB,
for its numerical value is 5, the same as Hé (The Book of Tokens, 60).

Hé, being the fifth letter, corresponds to the Fifth Commandment,
“Honor thy Father and thy Mother.” The mystical meaning refers to our
Father-Mother God, the two forces of our Creator that join to give us our
being, our Cosmic Parents. We are all children of God.

Hé means window and refers to the eyes as the windows of the soul.
The Hebrew glyph for Hé even looks like an open window since it was
changed to.

Now, a window lets in both light and air. It also offers a view and that
view can be happy or depressing. This equates with our own viewpoint,
which can be positive or negative. When we see beauty our eyes fill with
light and our facial expression is soft. Likewise, a negative viewpoint will
cause the eyes to look steely and seem hard and unkind. We can see out
and others can look in, just as through a window, and the viewpoint in
either direction depends on how we choose to see and be.

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