The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1
The 8 Letters: H, Q, Z

When the Greeks borrowed the sign, they eliminated the top and bot-
tom bars, changed the name to Eta and used it for their H consonant.
Later they used the sign for long E to distinguish it from their short E,
Epsilon. This form was passed via the Etruscans to the Romans who again
used the sign for their H consonant.

H resembles a ladder, and a ladder has two directions, up and down.
We can descend into the negative or ascend into the positive by our
thoughts as well as our deeds.

H is the eighth letter of our alphabet, and 8 is a symbol of “As Above,
So Below,” the principle of cause and effect. One who sets a good cause
into motion is, in a sense, climbing a ladder to reap the reward of a good
effect. Likewise, a negative cause will send one in the opposite direction
to reap a negative effect.

H has both feet solidly on the ground. Being a window, it sees well
what must be done and how to do it, so it is important for H to keep that
window clear, and that means a positive frame of mind and a good view-

H will either be very successful or will face some hardships. There is
much power with this letter and many opportunities that present them-
selves. As the breath of life must continue incessantly, the H must con-
tinually put forth effort for its success and it earns every penny.

It must be careful of spending; for being open-ended it is easy for H
to turn over and empty out all it has gathered. One H in a name gives such
people a drive to accomplish and a good sense of self-control. Theirs is a
desire to excel, and perhaps become an authority in a certain field.

As a boss the H is either a loving leader or a terrible tyrant. The
negative H is too demanding, draws conclusions quickly, and is selfish
and miserly, whereas the positive H uses good judgment and enjoys being
a humanitarian. H must decide whether to remain material-minded or to
advance mentally. H both starts and ends Health. Good health is of ex-
treme importance for physical coordination. H, the breath, must be strong
and constant. It is interesting that many athletes have an 8 for their total
name number. Balance is important for this eighth letter: balanced mind,
body, and checkbook.

When there is no 8 (H, Q, or Z) at all, the person must learn to
control the temper. Remember, the governing influence of Hé (H) is
speech. In a fit of temper there is an abuse of words. The breath for
speech is being contaminated from within and spewed out in an unsavory
energy that poisons the air. And it does so physically, for the chemistry of
the breath changes into poison. This was proven in an experiment by
capturing the breath of an angry person in a test tube. When analyzed it
was found to contain enough venom to kill a small animal very quickly
(The Finding of the Third Eye, 141). So the term, “a poison tongue” can
be taken literally. Loving words are chemically as life-giving as hatred is

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