The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1
The Secret Science of Numerology

H is more than the breath necessary for speech. It is the breath that
gives and renews life. The spoken word can be the lower part of H—all
material and mortal, or it can be the upper part—the loving, creative breath
of God that revitalizes and renews; a healing energy. So well-chosen words
develop a sense of balance and harmony in all of our activities. “The
speech of a wise man is like a honeycomb, sweet to his soul and health to
his bones” (Proverbs 16:24).


No. 100

88888 Q QqQq

Sound: k Sound: k (obsolete)

Q - 17

Qoph (cofe) is the 19th letter of the Hebrew alphabet, the last of the
12 simple letters. Its governing influence is mirth.

Qoph means the back of the head, and the glyph, 88888 , a half circle on
the right with a sharp vertical Yod down the left, resembles a profile of
face and neck pointing out this area. It is here, at the base of the brain,
that is the center of balance and coordination for the entire physical body.

We must learn to balance the feminine and masculine forces within
us: the masculine as the active physical force, and the feminine as spiri-
tual inspiration. The balancing and blending of these two forces is what
the ancients called “the mystical marriage.” This is not a sensual, physical
union. It is the blending of our consciousness with the consciousness of
God, which awakens the soul to an indescribable elation of knowing. All
around us are positive and negative forces that we must learn to keep in
their proper perspective. A balance must be maintained on the physical
level by having a solid, constant, and unchanging moral structure and
discriminating thought.

The 19 is the number of initiation, and that means there will be trials
and tests. The secret solution is balance. Then 1 + 9 becomes 10, the
number of perfection, the grade for passing the tests of the initiation.

Throughout time, 19 has been identified with the sun in mythology
and in folklore. The sun is the vitalizing force that brings life and light to
perfection just as 1 + 9 = 10, the number of perfection.

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