The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1
The 8 Letters: H, Q, Z

There is a bit of that sun’s revitalizing force in all of us, and it is
centered in the spleen, which is regarded as the seat of the emotions. A
large network of the sympathetic nervous system in this area behind the
stomach is called the solar plexus. It is in the center of our body just as
the sun is the center of our solar system, and the active force of the sun is
related to the power of the solar plexus in man. This is the point where we
balance our positive and negative forces.

We can feel when this center is out of balance: shocking news, angry
words, fear, and all negativisms hit us in that area likes a physical blow.
Likewise, great joy and feelings of deep love give us a feeling of light-
ness there. In the mystical marriage the strong, unchanging moral fiber
keeps these energies in their proper perspective and no man can split
them asunder.

Our most useful tool for keeping the forces balanced is that of mirth.
Mirth is defined as rejoicing or enjoyment. It is a cheerful attitude, a
positive reaction. It is the release valve on the pressure gauge. Seeing the
funny side of a negative circumstance releases the pressure of the mo-
ment. Humor is a great healer both physically and psychologically.

Qoph was used by the ancient Hebrews as a voiceless velar (a sound
formed with the back of the tongue touching the soft palate). When the
Greeks borrowed the sign they changed the name to Qoppa, or Koppa,
and put the straight line down the middle through a full circle:. But they
had no use for this sound in their language as they already had the K
sound in Kappa, so they eventually omitted it altogether.

The Etruscans passed it on to the Romans who used it as the K sound
before U. They kept the circle and put the line outside of it thus:. Then
they began curving the line to the right: , and eventually Q as in the
English capital Q.

The circle represents the spiritual sun. The line is the rod of balance.
In depicting mirth it has been alluded to as the head with the tongue

We spoke of Qoph balancing the physical and mental forces. Ironi-
cally, Q’s are active on both planes. The O stands for all or nothing, and
Q’s are willing to give of themselves 100 percent. They are loyal, sympa-
thetic, and understanding.

They seem to have a knack for making money, and they truly want to
be the very best they can be. If well balanced, they are likely to enjoy
outstanding success. There is a feeling of uniqueness or peculiarity with
Q since it is found in so few names. It is an original.

The circle of all or nothing really demands the balancing rod because
Q can easily go overboard in either direction: it can be too spiritual or too
material. Too negative, even dangerous, or overly positive. The forces
need to be balanced as in 8: dividing itself equally in both worlds.

The O is a mirror that reflects from the spiritual realm to the physi-
cal, so Q’s are often quite psychic. Man’s connecting link to the astral

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