The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1
The 9 Letters: I, R

The I became our ninth letter, and 9 is the numerical vibration of
emotions and sensitivity which is felt by the personal I. Opinions are strong
and emotions run deep. It needs to master the self and have total reliance
on the big I within that gently directs the little i, which is the ego, or me.

The 9 is also the number of humanity, so “I” must be thoughtful of
others, and learn compassion and understanding.

Negative I’s are too steeped in self and are too critical and arrogant.
Like the Yod, the I has all the creative abilities. Here is the artist,
actor, performer, musician, and a doer. The I always strives to achieve
perfection because 9 becomes 10 when it completes its work, and the tail
of the 9 detaches from the circle and stands alongside it making 10.

The I is like 1 (one) in that it is the initiator and can start things.
Being the ninth letter, it is able to finish things as well. I is the shape of a
pen or needle. Those who have an I in the name can be good at writing,
sewing, and designing. I is also the shape of a knife, so the bearer must be
careful in handling knives, to avoid cutting the self.

The I does not have a strong balance line on the Earth. It is an emo-
tional vibration; it can be either up or down. It refers to the “I am,” so it
is sensitive to its needs. Through that it understands the needs and sensi-
tivities of others, and is helpful and will serve the “I am” in others. It is
the “I am” consciousness.

The greatest truth revealed by the mysteries is the fact that God dwells
in man. That in the soul of each and every one of us there is that abiding
light which is a ray from the Divine Being, just as Yod appears in every
letter of the Hebrew alphabet with its light of knowledge. All of our God-
like qualities—love, compassion, understanding—emanate from this light.


No. 200

99999 R RrRr
Sound: r Sound: r as in red

R – 18

Resh (raysh) is the 20th letter of the Hebrew alphabet and is used for
the consonant R. It is the sixth of the seven double letters and its oppo-
sites are peace and strife (or war). Its meaning is head.

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