The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1
The 9 Letters: I, R

The R is the most understanding of all letters, since it is necessary for
R to develop the spirit of brotherhood. R is the eighteenth letter of the
English alphabet and 1 + 8 = 9, the numerical vibration of humanity and
brotherly love.

Because 9 finishes the cycle, it is an initiation: the completion of the
old, passing tests, and making ready for the new. Being the 9 letter makes
R quite emotional. Unless honest and unselfish, there can be failures for
the R. To pass the initiation requires integrity, tolerance, compassion,
and a sincere search for truth.

There is so much power with R that can be used for either construc-
tive or destructive purposes that man must use his head to discriminate in
its use.

The R has been comically referred to as the “dog letter” or the “snarl-
ing letter” because of the sound of “rrrr” is like that of a dog snarling. In
man, the very negative types grumble a lot. They let their uncontrolled
emotions take over. They must learn to control their basic human re-
sponses: temper, jealousy, and physical desires. They need patience, which
is removing that active right leg on R to make it stand still like the P,
initiating patience.

There are many criminals with an R prominent in their name. R starts
the words Robber, Ruffian, Rebellious, Rude, and Rough. Until the bearer
of the R outgrows his self-seeking interests, gains emotional maturity,
and seeks higher levels of expression, life will manifest one difficulty after
another. Law totals 9, and an R (18/9) who allows himself to continue
breaking the law will find he no longer has freedom, for to work against
the law is to lose one’s freedom.

When positive, this is the most beautiful letter, for it can inspire con-
fidence in people like no other. It gives without thought of return, for the
sheer joy of it. That is when R is rewarded. Such an R is Radiant, Refined,
Reliable, Remarkable, and Respected.

Tests passed, initiation completed, and the final initiation known as
death means not the end, but the Resurrection into the light.

“Death is swallowed up in victory”
(1 Corinthians 15:54).
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