The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1


Quest for Truth,

Search for Knowledge


ave you ever wondered how some people can think so differently
from you? Does it seem impossible to understand why others are
so sure they are right when you know they are wrong? How can
people be so opposite?

That had me puzzled for years, and the only thing that ever helped
me to understand these differences was the study of numerology. I have
researched and pondered the subject for years because this science is
deep and much can be understood only by meditation on symbols.

As I researched I found answers to unusual phenomena that I had
experienced and some I had heard about. I never expected to find an-
swers to explain them, but I did; answers that are scientific and logical.

I eventually found these answers only because I had begun having
vivid dreams with numbers in them. I wondered what they meant.

People began asking me if I knew what numbers meant. Why do they
ask me? I wondered. Maybe I’m supposed to know.

A friend gave me a quarterly list of events at the Philosophical Re-
search Society in Los Angeles, and I saw there was going to be a seminar
on numerology. I had to go.

At that seminar I learned the basic meanings of numbers and how to
analyze my own name. I was stunned. The vowels told me my innermost
desires; the consonants, my personality. My whole birth name told me my
talents and destiny, while my birth date told me what I’m supposed to do
with those talents. This would have been invaluable information for me
when I was deciding on a major in college. But what was most interesting
was how true the information was.

I set about analyzing the charts of my husband and children, and
what I learned answered a lot of questions. I wished I had known these
things about us years ago—we could have made some better decisions.
What I learned was incredible.

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