The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

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The Secret Science of Numerology

Pythagoras claimed that man’s soul has four powers: mind, science,
opinion, and sense, making it a Tetrad. Since the Tetrad is the first solid
figure, it represents immorality. The universal symbol for immortality is
the pyramid because of its four-cornered base (Morals and Dogma, 633).

Geometrically, 4 is related to horizontal lines, squares, crosses, and

The fourth Sephirah is called Chesed, or Mercy. This is the first
Sephira following the trinity of Kether (0), Chochma (Wisdom), and Binah
(Understanding): the Holy Trinity that makes up the Creator, also known
as Macroprosopus. Chesed is the next Sephira, the first of the six Sephiroth
below which illustrate the law “As Above, So Below.” Its place as the
Grand Man of the Universe is the left shoulder, and is directly opposite
the fifth Sephira, Geburah (Strength), which is the right shoulder. So our
bodies are related in this Tree of Life. Chesed is the beginning of mani-
festation, just as the number 4 shows the beginning of solid form. Par-
ticles of earth are cubical in shape. Chesed establishes the basic structure
on which matter is built (The Qabalistic Tarot, 79).

Paul Case tells us in his Book of Tokens that the riches of the king-
dom are hidden in Chesed. “Kingdom” is the 10th Sephirah. If you add
the numbers 1 through 4, which is Chesed, 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10. And, since
Chesed is the fourth Sephira, it suggests that 1, 2, and 3 already have
existence. So you can see how the riches are hidden in Chesed: the richest
of all 10 Sephiroth.

\ Pentad //

The 5 represented equilibrium. In numbers 1 through 10, 5 is the ex-
act middle. The Decad (10) is Divinity, and the five (5) is the Demi-
Goddess because it is half of 10. It is the number of the Sage (14/5): one
who has limited knowledge of that which is higher than itself.

The ancients said the row of numbers 1-9 in sequence, formed a beam
of balance, and man is perfectly balanced in the center. 1, 2, 3, and 4 add
up to 10 and are the animal forces below; 6, 7, 8, and 9 add up to 30 and
are the spiritual forces above. The Pentad was often called “Justice” and
sometimes “Nemesis” for it was the instrument keeping the balance be-
tween the celestial and the bestial. Pentad refers to the number 5. The
pentagram is an emblem, the five-pointed star representing the Pentad. It
became the symbol of safety, that middle ground of balance that is neces-
sary because of the dual influence of the 5.

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