The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1
Number Groups

Likewise, as C is the bottom of the musical scale, consisting of the
coarsest waves of air, red is at the bottom of the color spectrum, consisting
of the coarsest waves of luminous ether. Together they traverse the scale:
sound and color, side by side through the octaves of vibration, each oc-
tave showing a repetition on a finer scale.

Sights and sounds that are out of our range of seeing and hearing
continue on in another realm invisible to us, but existent nevertheless in
the fourth dimension.

8 symbolized friendship and love because they were considered to be
in perfect harmony, love being an octave above friendship in vibration
(The Pythagorean Triangle, 192).

The eighth Sephira is called Hod and represents Glory, or Splendor.
Where 7 (Netzach), its opposite and balance represents the arts, feelings,
and instincts; Hod stands for the sciences, literature, and all that is part
of the intellect, or the concrete mind.

In the body of the Grand Man of the Universe, Adam Kadmon, Hod
is the left leg. Instincts and intellect: two legs that give balance to the
mind of man. Here ideas take form and can be put into words so there is
a deeper understanding.

\ Ennead //

The Pythagoreans called 9 “the Ocean and the Horizon” because it
had all numbers within it and none beyond it, as the ocean contained all
the Water and all that is within the Water and continued to the horizon as
far as man could see. For after 9 is 10. And all numbers following, when
added together to the last digit, cannot produce a number higher than 9 as
its root. So it returns to itself as water to the ocean.

The 9 is called the number of Initiation for the same reason. No mat-
ter how much we learn, we must return to our source in 10, forming the
never ending circle of existence which, at each graduation, begins at the
same point on a higher level, ever spiraling upward, 1 through 9 on higher
levels. Each 9 we come to is an initiation to a new cycle.

Often we experience an initiation in a dream, which is in fact a true
experience in the higher realms of the astral world. It may be forgotten,
but its equivalent will come about in our physical world. The way we

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