The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1

Both words start with an H, which is the picture of a ladder, and a
ladder can go in either direction: up or down. H is the eighth letter of our
alphabet, the two circles of the 8 representing the above and the below.

The two L’s in Hell are upside down 7’s. The 7 is inner wisdom, occult
knowledge, religious background. Hell turns that right around, stands it
on its head, and empties it out. When inner wisdom is not used, the
negative and destructive side of the L—selfish, critical, fault-finding,
self-righteous, smug, and self-seeking motives—are traits that create their
own Hell.

Heaven has a V in its center that is a pictorial symbol of arms up-
stretched seeking higher knowledge and light.

GIRL, 7993, and GODDESS, 7644511, each total 28. The root, 10, is
perfection. The 2 is feminine, has beautiful expression, and is the peace-
maker. The 8 shows the roundness of figure, symmetry, and balance.

Girl contains two 9’s, and the 9 is an emotional number. The 3 is
prettiness and the ability to communicate. Both begin with a 7, a strong
inner nature rooted in the spiritual. In the Kabbalah, the womb is sacred
as it is the most secret place for life to begin. The creative force of the
Cosmos is centered in the womb, and 7 is the number associated with all
things sacred.

The full number of Girl is 46. Through her can be made manifest (4)
the power of regeneration (6).

The full number of Goddess is 73: first spiritual (7) with creative in-
telligence and beauty (3).

The new experiences, surprises, and unusual events that 28 is known
for are seen in the 28-words: MAGICAL: 4179313; CIRCUS: 399331;
OPERA: 67591; and JUBILEE: 1329355.

It’s interesting that opera begins with an O, a picture of an open
mouth. O is a 6 letter, and 6 pertains to the voice. The first consonant,
P, is a 7 letter, which demands deep study. And it does take a great deal
of study to sing opera. Perhaps that is why its full number is 55: Di-
rected Intelligence.

Negative 28’s take action without thought, and impede their own
progress by their attitudes. Some 28-words that reflect this side are:

Coward, Loner, Prude, Hateful, Crafty, Futile, and
Backwards has the full number of 82, which is a backwards 28.
Coward, Crafty, and Futile all share the full number 73. This means
hidden motives (7) with intolerance and hypocrisy (3) in the first two. In
Futile the 7 is a sense of despair while the 3 is worrying and whining. It
starts with an F which is the upright man carrying a double load.

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