The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1

Plus there are all of the creative abilities of the 13/4. We see these
attributes in these 67-words: Administration. Distinguished. Practitioner.

All 4’s are good in mental work, especially where hands and mind
work together. Here we find outstanding engineers, mechanics, jewel-
ers, electricians, mathematicians and musicians, teachers, managers, and

We need 4’s for stick-to-it-iveness.

FOUR (4)

Positive: Accurate. Conscientious. Conservative. Disciplined.
Good worker. Honest. Loves home, family, country.
Loyal. Organized. Patient. Patriotic. Practical. Prudent.
Punctual. Sincere. Studious. Stable. Wants the law

Negative: Argumentative. Dull. Forgets to take time out to play.
Headstrong. Humorless. Intolerant. Jealous. Must see to
believe. Narrow-minded. Not affectionately
demonstrable. Opinionated. Overworked. Prejudiced.
Too serious. Workaholic.

Destructive:Animalism. Antagonistic. Crude. Cruel. Hatred. Strong
negative emotions. Violent.

The 4 is manifestation, for it follows the Creative Trinity: Idea. Plant-
ing. Growth. In 4 is the harvest.



“Don’t Fence Me In”

The 5 loves its freedom and wants to come and go as it pleases. See
how the number is open at both sides? How its base is on a rocker? It is so
adaptable, likes so much variety, that it sometimes doesn’t know if it is
coming or going.

The 5’s are very restless under routine; they must have the freedom of
adjusting their own schedules. A job in the same place every day, within
four walls, is confining to the point of extreme uneasiness.

Pythagoras called 5 “Masculine and Feminine” for it is composed of
2 and 3, the feminine and masculine numbers. So 5’s are very popular and
get along very well with both men and women.

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