The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

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The Secret Science of Numerology

In travel they like to take the side roads and explore. They like to see
how the natives live and speak their language. The lower half of the num-
ber 5 is like the top half of a 3. That gives it good speaking ability. Re-
member, the 3 has a way with words. This makes 5 a super salesman.

Having many 5’s in a chart means changes and unexpected happen-
ings. Basically 5’s are curious. They want to know what makes things tick
and what is going on. They will investigate everything.

The 5 is called the number of man because it is the exact middle of
numbers and man has five physical senses. When we are born, the first
thing we become aware of are our senses. We feel the warmth and cold.
We see the light and are aware of faces—of our parents, of other people,
and then of our surroundings. We touch various objects and feel the dif-
ference in texture. We develop taste for certain foods that we like better
than others. We can smell the aroma of foods and of the changing air
about us.

Discovering our five senses is surely the first lesson in life. As the
child grows, any temptations that come affect one or more of these senses.
The child learns that sweets taste good, but too much gives a tummy ache.
And so it is with each of the senses. So discrimination must be learned.

We are all Adam and Eve. Adam is the active masculine energy repre-
sented by A. Eve is the receptive polarity represented by V, which is A
reversed and with the “rib” removed. V, spelled Vee, is an anagram for
Eve (The English Cabalah, Vol. 1:172).

Likewise, man begins with an M: the middle of the alphabet, just as
5 is the exact middle of numbers. M has two feet well balanced on the
ground. Reverse the M and we have W, the initial letter of Woman. Nega-
tive polarity. Emotional. So Adam is representative of the masculine ac-
tive force, and Eve, of the feminine passive force.

To be well balanced, we all have a small amount of the opposite force,
in that man must have some negative receptivity to soften his nature and
woman needs some of the positive force to give her strength.

We can see this in the letters M and W: the feminine force, V is
clearly visible on the top middle of M. The masculine is the reversed V, or
A without the rib, in the bottom center of W.

When man has grown to the point where he is in control of his five
senses and has mastered them, he then has control of his body; he is well
balanced in the middle of numbers. Because 5 is the exact center, it has
been called “the balance board” and man is meant to have dominion, for
MAN (415) totals 10. Perfection.

It is part of 5’s lesson to learn the right use of freedom and not to
overdo sensual pleasures.

Because 5 is not bound-in like the confining square of 4, it is apt to
take chances, be the daredevil. It has no fear; wants new experiences; is
willing to gamble.

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