The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1

letter is also P. The center letter is known as the keystone and is found
only in words and names of an uneven number of letters. That center
letter is a pivot point that helps to carry out the initial action of the first
letter, also called the cornerstone. The last letter is called the capstone,
and it shows the destination to be accomplished, or the aim.

So Precipitate sets out to bring forth out of nothingness (First P), is
helped along by its arcana of knowledge (center P), and its destiny is to
bring forth. The last letter is E, 5th in our alphabet, and 5 is variety so it
can bring forth any variety of things.

The full number of Precipitate is 122, the one (1) who is master of
accomplishment (22). Interestingly, the word COOPERATION had the
keystone R-9, humanitarian. Its full number is 131, the great communica-
tor (3) between the pillars (11) of the peace-loving 11.

\ 68/14/5 //

This is the number of the well-educated. The 6 understands the law
and knows what must be done. The 8 is the number of the executive, one
who has good judgment and leadership ability.

CIVILIZATION (68) depends on education. Without it men are un-
civilized. This is an interesting word to analyze kabbalistically. Keep in
mind that civilization refers to all of humanity whose number is 9.

The total of Civilization by its full numbers is 149, so we have 14 9/14/5.
If we put letters to those numbers we get..............................N I N E,
the number of humanity.
Those who have 5 for a total name number are natural salesmen, trav-
elers, good in all occupations that call for versatility and adaptability.
This includes actors, writers, scientific inventors, detectives, speakers,
and promoters.

We need 5’s for adaptability and desire for knowledge.

FIVE (5)

Positive: Adaptable. Alert. Analytical. Attractive to opposite sex.
Charming. Clever. Courageous. Curious. Dynamic. Gets
along with all types of people. Learns languages easily.
Love of freedom. Loves to travel. Popular. Social. Super
salesman. Wants adventure. Witty.

Negative: Careless. Discontent. Impatient. Impulsive.
Irresponsible. Procrastinates. Restless. Takes dangerous
chances (daredevil).

Destructive:Gambler. Overindulge the senses in sex, drugs,
alcohol, or food. Perversion. Rude.

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