The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1

When the 24/6 works in the negative side of the vibration, there is the
stubbornness of the 4, the sensitive and jealous 2, and the tyrannical 6
who either uses words to hurt—or uses silence as a weapon:

Crude. Deadly. Silent. Trial. Verbal. Vexed.

\ 42/6 //

When the 4 comes first there must be a firm foundation.
4: Secure, honest, and just; manifestation.
2: Kind and cooperative nature.
6: The voice, artistry, persons, places, and things with size,
shape, and dimension.

We see these reflected in the following 42-words:
Allegiance. Astrology. Compatible. Guaranteed.
The kind and loving nature is apparent in the following:
Benevolent. Cheerful. Glowing. Thankfulness.
The full number of CHEERFUL is 78: expressing the positive ener-
gies of the cycle of life (8) from within (7).

GLOWING is 87; also showing that it is from within (7) that the
creative energy (8) is expressed.

THANKFULNESS has the full number of 150: Intelligence directed
(50) by the self (1).

An ANNOUNCER, 42/6, uses his voice (6) in his career. The 4 is a
number of work and structure, and the 2 does not wish to be the center of
attention, but very ably calls attention to others, as an announcer would do.

JOURNALISM, 42/6, is the voice expressed through the writer.
An ACCOMPANIST, 42/6, lends solid support (4) to a soloist (6).
The 2 desires to be of help to another.

The negative end of the loving, caring, family-oriented 42/6 vibration
would be:

Frustrated. Neglectful. Reclusive.

\ 69/15/6 //

REINCARNATION: 69. The 69 is identical to the astrological sign
Cancer: the time of year when nature renews itself. This is a good de-
scription for the word Reincarnation.

This word is so interesting, lets analyze it more deeply. When we add
6 and 9, we get 15/6: 6 represents the body, 1 is the individual life force in

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