The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

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The Secret Science of Numerology

the body, and 5 is the five senses. Its desire (vowel count) is 31/4: the 3
showing the desire to express the self creatively; 1, with individuality; and
4, in a form of physical manifestation.

Remember, 4 represents the beginning of form. Two fours produce
the cube: a three-dimensional figure. The human body is, in a way, a pack-
age for the soul to inhabit, and the word PACKAGE has the full num-
ber of 44, which totaled is 8. The root number of REBIRTH is also 44.
The 8 is a pictorial symbol of the life cycle and of the orbit of planets.

The picture of two circles, one above the other (8), is the path of all
living: circles or cycles. The root of CIRCLES is 33, the number of spiri-
tual gifts. Its full number is 69, again the germ of life, the same as reincar-
nation. Therefore, reincarnation is a gift to us as a part of the cycle of life.
The full number of Reincarnation is 141: 1 is A, 4 is D. So we have Ad A,
or “add A.” What is meant by “Add A?” A is the Element of Air, the
breath of life that is necessary to live. It is also spirit—the conscious

Reincarnation is defined as “a rebirth of the soul in successive bod-
ies.” Procreation is the physical act that will create the body for the in-
coming spirit. The full number of PROCREATION is 134/8, MD, or Mid-8.
Consider it as the union of the upper circle to the lower circle at the mid-
point and you see where the cycle begins a new life.

PHILOSOPHER has the same full number (141) and the root num-
ber (69) as Reincarnation. So a philosopher is an old soul, one who has
lived before.

The soul or desire of Reincarnation is 31/4 while that of Philosopher
is 26/8; 4 being material existence or matter, and 8 being the “above” of
the four, or having been here be-4 and completing a cycle (8). Since God

  • 26 by its full number, it is the philosopher’s desire to seek God. Do you
    not see how, by knowing the meanings of numbers and letters, we can
    interpret the relation of words to each other?

There are 13 letters in the word Reincarnation. The number of letters
tells the special traits of a word. The 13 refers to the 13th letter, which is
M. M is the exact center of the English alphabet just as 5 (the five senses)
is the exact center of numbers. Interesting that the center of each refers
to man, and man begins with M. After M comes N, and if Air, the breath
of life, is inserted between M and N, MAN appears.

Man’s life-giving fluid, blood, is 90 percent Water, and the ancients’
symbol for Water was M. It is in the waters of the womb that the fetus
takes form and becomes the baby that is to be born. M is life and death,
renewal and regeneration. It is the end of the old and transformation into
the new. And isn’t this fitting for a trait of reincarnation?

Those whose name totals 6 are our artistic workers, teachers, philan-
thropists, organizers, doctors, nurses, and politicians. Many of our presi-
dents have 6 for a Birth Path or total name number.

We need 6’s for being responsible and caring.
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