The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1

SIX (6)

Positive: Adores family, home, children, pets, garden. Advice-
giver. Artistic. Comforter. Cosmic parent. Gives loving
service. Good education important. Harmonious. High
ideals. Honorable. Humanitarian. Just. Lawful. Musical
talent. Poised. Protective. Responsible. Sympathetic.
Teacher. True friend. Understanding. Uses voice in
career: teaching, singing, speaking, acting, politics.
Wants to nurture.

Negative: Anxious. Bossy. Cynical. Egotistical. Domineering.
Expects too much of people; easily disappointed in
them. False pride. Interferes. Jealous. Meddlesome.
Mopes. Needs to feel appreciated. Outspoken. Self-
centered. Self-righteous. Smug. Suspicious. Sweet tooth.

Destructive:Conceit. Domestic tyranny. Martyr. Nosy and
interfering. Slavery.
The 6 often refers to the body of something, since Adam was created
on the sixth day and since all bodies have six sides.

The 6 refers to the voice because God spoke forth the creation in 6



“Give Me Time To Think About It”

The 7 is the number of spirituality, mysticism, wisdom, and success.
Pythagoras called 7 the “Crooked and the Straight.”

God made the world in six days and rested on the seventh. The 7 turns
its back on the upcoming numbers, does not start the fervent work of the

  1. It looks back in retrospect on all the lessons it has learned in 1 through
    6, or to reflect on work well done, just as God looked upon His creation
    and saw that it was very good. We were told to do likewise. We were told
    to keep the Sabbath holy, meaning that it has spiritual and moral worth.
    By resting we build up our energy for the work we do in 8. The 8 has
    physical stamina, good health due to proper rest on the seventh.

The word SABBATH is 17/8: the self (1) resting (7) to renew
strength (8).

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