The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1

TEMPLE: This refers to the body as well as a place of worship, and
there are those who worship the body. The Soul’s Urge (vowels) of temple,
EE (5 and 5), total 10, the number of man. This shows kabbalistically that
the motivating force of temple is man.

The 26 is a number that has need to prove physical or inner strength;
it will learn through experience. Negative 26-words are:

Abhor. Amnesia. Apathy. Fiasco. Pseudo. Pushy. Riot.
Ruin. Scheme. Stupid. Tyrant.

\ 62/8 //

When the 6 precedes there is a responsibility toward the person, place,
or thing. Very intelligent; knows more through intellect than reason:

Administrator. Commissioner. Contributions. Exercises.
Information. Intelligible. Philosophy. Procreation.
The full number of CONTRIBUTIONS is 179: the self (1) giving se-
cretly (7) for the benefit of others (9).

The 6 refers to a body (anything with six sides). In Contributions,
that which is contributed is the body. In Procreation a body is given its
beginnings in form, and Philosophy is a body of knowledge.

PROCREATION: (62/8). Here the root, 8, shows that the cycle of life
continues here. The 6 is the womb of life (lower circle ) and it is the domes-
tic number of home and family. The 2 desires marriage and family. The full
number is 134. The 13 is M, or Water, from which life arises. It is also the
thirteenth Tarot card, Death, which means the old dying away to make
room for the new; not an ending, but change. The 4 is Daleth, or door; the
mouth of creation. So 134 is birth (4) from the waters (13) of the womb.

PHILOSOPHY: 7893616787 = 62/8. This word begins and ends with
the 7 of inner wisdom: P, having the good head on its shoulders for per-
ception, and Y that seeks to know the mysteries.

The 6 is the Cosmic parent; it understands much and gives of itself.
The 2 knows good and evil; it sees both sides on an issue so it understands
people’s beliefs and inner needs. The 8 has excellent judgment, great
strength, and leadership ability.

\ 35/8 //

This is the most fortunate number. Many blessings are associated
with it, including inheritance and physical and spiritual vitality. The 3 is
attractiveness, popularity, and expressiveness. The 5 shows varied inter-
ests, freedom, and versatility. It also has to do with unexpected happen-
ings and change, as well as diverse assortments. The 8 is success through
effort. Strength. A good sense of rhythm. Perfect order.

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