The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1
The Secret Science of Numerology

\ 9 //

The 9 is the unlimited soul expression of all things, of humanity and
its law. Its by-word is “universal service.” Some 9-words are:

I. Job. Law. Me. Sun.
The 9 is a finishing number, for after 9 comes 10; a new beginning on
a higher plane. Some 9-words that really can finish us are:

Blast. Fat. Lack. Mad. Tax.

\ 18/9 //

The 18 is sensitive and friendly. It always has a goal to be completed
in 9. It has been called “the goal-setting number.”

The 1 refers to the self, its accomplishments and feelings.
The 8 refers to physical endurance, rhythm and movement, music and

The 9 is very dramatic. Music is strong in 9’s. Here we find opera
stars, musicians, and people who do professional or creative work. The
9 is 3 × 3, so its talents are multiple:

Baseball. Care. Cool. Dance. Diva. Ego. Goals. Play. Sweet.
Talent. Venus.
The opposite end of the vibration are uncultured people with negative
habits and attitudes:

Awful. Bully. Foul. Tactless.

\ 27/9 //

This is a number of deep affections, spiritual insight, creativity, and
love of beauty and the arts.

The 2 adds a loving and cooperative quality; it is ever the peacemaker
who works quietly in the background.

The 7 adds poise and reserve, and a desire for study and perfection.
The 9 represents humanity, people, and brotherly love.
Advanced. Agree. Breath. Educated. Gentle. Honest.
Public. Quiet. School. Whole. World.
See how one letter makes a difference in the words breath and breadth?
BREATH (27/9) is invisible like Air. First Cause descended into mat-
ter (2) and breathed into man’s nostrils the breath of life, and man be-
came a living soul. The soul is the unseen center of the body, or 7. The
body with a soul is common to humanity (9).

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