The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1

When the D is added and the word becomes BREADTH, or “dis-
tance from side to side,” it is no longer invisible air, but something mea-
surable. It has taken form. The letter added here is D-4, the number of
manifestation, and now the word totals 31/4, the total being 4 also.

The 3 behind the number is a number of travel. If the distance is great
it is necessary to travel in order to go from one point to the other. Do you
see now how numbers describe the words they relate to?

WORLD is 27/9. The Bible tells us the world was formed by the Word.
What makes the Word (24/6) into a world? It is L: 12/3, The Creative

The 27/9 has to do with those who have a concern for the public: the
performers who need an audience, the law officials who deal with public
laws, and those who give CARE (18/9) and COMFORT (36/9), as in the
following 27/9-words:

Buyers. Chapel. Gentle. Lover. Money. Pilot. Satisfy.
Stardom. Steward. World.
The full number of SATISFY is 99, a master number of complete

The 27/9’s like to either travel or stay put:
Limit. Quiet. Restless. Search. Trip.
Negative parts of humanity are the following 27/9’s who must get their
spiritual (7) house (2) in order (2): Cynic. Vulgar. Witch.

\ 72/9 //

When the 7 comes first, that which is felt deeply inside comes first—
keen, analytical powers: Improvisation.

Those who seek help (2) by reaching the subconscious mind (7) some-
times try Hypnotherapy (72/9).

\ 36/9 //

This is the creative trio where all the arts are represented: The 3 is the
writer, 6 is the voice, and 9 is the stage of drama; loves to hold the pen,
can copy and improve articles. Some 36-words that express these traits

Aesthetic. Editors. Enthrall. Poetry. Singer. Violin.
The one who enjoys what these performers have to offer is the Spec-
tator (36/9).

People with this number make money easily: Fortune. Revenue.
This is a number that requires perseverance, strength of character,
and the ability to overcome problems with good faith and patience.

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