The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1
The Secret Science of Numerology

The 3 has a caring attitude and does everything with kindness.
The 6 takes on responsibility, even burdens itself.
The 9 believes in honesty and justice.
We see these qualities in the following 36-words:
Cashier. Charisma. Comfort. Consumer. Co-pilot.
Diplomat. Discern. Florist. Popular. Surgeon.
The 9 loves to travel. When the 3 is behind the 9, the travel may be
longer because 3 is the number of long distance travel. Journey (36/9).

In the Kabbalah, all comes from Ain Soph Aur: AIN—three letters
meaning “negative existence”; with three more letters, SVP “unlimited
wisdom” = six letters; and AUR, another three letters meaning “light.”
Together they are 3-6-9, symbolizing all nine Sephiroth in the One Source.
This is the genesis of 3, 6, 9 as the Creative Trio (777 and Other Qabalistic
Writings, 6).

Negative 36/9’s are easily upset, and burdened with obstacles to over-
come. They experience more trying times than most people and seem to
have more problems:

Argument. Barbaric. Combative. Despised. Dogmatic.
Failure. Immoral. Problem.

The 99 is a master number of complete fulfillment. The full number
of ARGUMENT is 99, the negative side of this vibration.

The extreme destructive side of 36/9 is seen in the word TORTURE.
The full number here is 117: wrong use of power (11) in a sadistic (7)
way. Note, too, the first and middle letters are T, the cross, carrying the

The 9 is emotionally affected by people and surroundings. It lets its
deep feelings affect it adversely. It becomes restless and dissatisfied, for-
gets its high standards and lofty ideals, and sinks into self-indulgence where
it dissipates its energies. The 9 is indeed a testing number. It must forget
the self, the “I” (which is the ninth letter), and think more of others.

\ 63/9 //

The 63/9 wants to work for everyone’s good. Here are the humanitar-
ians and missionaries. Both 6 and 9 are humanitarian numbers.

The 6 cares for family, friends, the old, and the young.
The 3 wants to do good, bring a smile.
The 9 gives to humanity in general; seeks no reward; is inspired.
Words that total 63/9 are:
Corporation. Experienced. Inspiration. Introduction.
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