The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1
Master Numbers

a man with a name totaling 11: Liberace. All 11’s need music in their lives.
The root of 11 is 2, and music is a strong 20 whose root also is 2 but with
the power of the spirit (0) next to it.

All master numbers are filled with greater energy than single numbers
because they include the vibration of the root number. The difference
between 2 and 11 is that the 11 prefers to stand on its own two feet and
take the lead rather than be the modest, willing follower that the 2 is.

The 11 strives for perfection and will study hard to achieve it. They
don’t feel fulfilled unless they can give something to the world. Many
become famous.

On the other hand, they are easily disappointed in people for they
expect the same perfection in those they look up to.

ABLE is an 11-word that vibrates to this energy. It begins with A, the
letter of action and initiative. All 11’s are able.

LAUD means to praise highly, and often 11’s are praised for their
talents, their abilities, and their spiritual strength.

On the opposite end of the vibration are the destructive 11’s. Rather
than uplift humanity as the positive 11’s do, these 11’s want to rule and en-
slave others. They become despots, wicked leaders such as Mussolini and
Hitler (name totals of 11), who were blinded by and misused their powers.

Negative 11’s lack the practical aspect because they are not in tune
with material matters. They become neurotic from not being able to make
their brilliant dreams work for them on the material plane, and they have
trials and hardship.

Like 2, they must learn to choose between good and evil, the opposite
ends of the vibration. When they turn toward the light, which is the Yod
of Divine Light within, it will illuminate the way. Then the darkness of
confusion will be replaced with the light of understanding and 11 will
reflect that light. When that happens, we see the special glow, feel the
charisma, and sense that something special which radiates from the 11.
“If we live in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one
another” (1 John 1:7).

\ 29/11 //

The 29 behind the 11 stands for spiritual power.
➛ The 2 is peace, cooperation, loving service, fluent speaker.
➛ The 9 is humanity, completion or “job well done,” universal
service, and brotherly love.
Words that total 29 are:
Abundance. Associate. Author. Beloved. Bride. Force.
Forest. Grail. Guides. Light. Messiah. Parent. Risen. Wis-
dom. Ultimate.
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