The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

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The Secret Science of Numerology

In English, the word LIGHT is spelled rather strangely. Why not lite?
If we analyze the spelling we can see where the letters are absolutely
perfect for its meaning. The word itself tells us it is first, last, and always
because it begins with L, our 12th letter; 12/3 = the Holy Trinity. In He-
brew L is Lamed, number 30: the Trinity (3) by the All (0) of God.

Light ends with a T which is Tav, the final letter in Hebrew, thus first
and last. T is also a plus sign (+) meaning “add more,” so it continually
adds warmth from Light and that is necessary for continuing creation.

The very center is G, the first initial of God; God at its center. It is
our seventh letter and 7 is spiritual and mysterious. G is also for geom-
etry, the science that governs the shape of every letter, number, and physi-
cal manifestation.

In Hebrew G is Gimel, the third letter, and 3 again is the number of the
creative Holy Trinity which governs creative ability and communication.

Then there are the I and H, the masculine Yod, I, meaning “the cre-
ative hand of God.” The I also refers to the great I AM, the eye that sees
and comprehends all. H is the feminine, receptive, magnetic force known
as the “childbearing letter.”

In English H is 8, a picture of the above becoming manifest below. In
Hebrew H is Hé, the fifth letter, connected with the fifth house of astrol-
ogy that is the “giver of children.”

In the Bible, Light is the first principle of the awakened conscious-
ness. In man it is necessary for life and intelligence. When we understand
something we see it clearly; we have “the light of understanding.”

Jesus came to enlighten the multitudes. He said “I am the truth and
the light. None come to the Father but through my teachings....” He was
the light personified as the Son (sun) of God. So 11 has come to mean
Light. According to biblical scholar and researcher of ancient religions,
Max Freedom Long, this pure and correct translation was misinterpreted
by the church fathers to read “only through me” and “in my name,” and
these misinterpretations became the convictions and tenets of the Chris-
tian religions (What Jesus Taught in Secret, 8).

Negative 29/11 words are opposite of light:
Angry. Fever. Fiend. Hatred. Unaware. Weapon.

\ 38/11 //

This means “a gift of vision.” It requires a lot but the rewards are
worth it.

➛ The 3 is self-expression, creativity, and sociability. It can be
attractive, ornate, showy, talkative.
➛ The 8 is organization, leadership, success, application, a good
sense of justice; it will strive to attain and is always practical.
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