The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1
Master Numbers

The 11 always brings light when positive.
Words that total this 38 vibration are:
Admirable. Agreeable. Ambition. Articulate. Authentic.
Christmas. Conserve. Creative. Delight. Diction. Educa-
tion. Emanation. Energy. Friend. Healing. Heavenly. Il-
lustrate. Immortal.Oration. Practical. Prayer. Prince.
Psychic. Purpose. Rejoice. Splendid. Winner.
“Christmas” begins with the two letters Ch, which is called Cheth, or
Heth in Hebrew and is its eighth letter, meaning “field.” It refers to two
worlds: the spiritual and the material. In this sense it means that man is
born of dust and then evolves out of dust into the spirit.

The letter Cheth is a picture of two columns with a crossbar (((((() over
the top and resembles a doorway or opening between two pillars. In Egypt,
Initiates would walk through the pillars of the temple to reach the sanctu-
ary. Before they could enter the Holy Place they were required to walk
through two more columns. These inner two columns signified that the
Initiate was able to balance his own dual natures and was therefore wor-
thy to proceed (The Bible and the Tarot, 70-1).

Christ and Christmas show the worthiness of entering the Holy Place.
The full number of Christ is 77, showing it is the Christ-consciousness
achieved. The full number of CHRISTMAS is 110, or the self (1) seeking
perfection (10) or Power (11) from the Godhead (0). Truly they are “a
gift of vision.”

There is a negative side to even the most beautiful vibrations. We can
see that side reflected in the following 38-words:

Abominable. Blasphemy. Braggart. Bullheaded. Cowardly.
Frustrate. Narcotic. Negative. Reverse. Traitor. Vexation.

\ 47/11 //

A 47 behind an 11 means “inner wisdom reflected through organization.”
➛ The 4 is honest, true, and dependable. Organized. Traditional
➛ The 7 is wisdom from inner knowing. It is either faith or fear. It
reflects on the past and what it has learned. The 7 is always
introspective, analytical, and mysterious.
As a root, the 11 always points out a leader who is quite intuitive and

Some 47-words are:
Authority. Christian. Director. Enduring. Foundation.
Graduation. Grandiose. Historic. Incentive. Inspector.
Mastership. Meditation. Mysterious. Preacher. Tradition.
Training. Vibration.
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