The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1
The Secret Science of Numerology

Negative 47-words are:
Chilling. Frivolous. Horror. Impossible. Probation.
Retaliator. Terrify.
The Ch in “chilling” is not the letter Cheth that is in “Christmas,” for
the sound of Cheth is a k sound (guttural) rather than a “chi” or “cha”
sound made with the tongue behind the teeth.

\ 74/11 //

When the 7 comes first it means outer manifestation (4) is first felt
strongly within (7) or comes from the invisible (7). The full number of
Mastership is 74. Two words that total 74 by their root number are:

Irrepressible. Precipitation.
Their full number is 155, the self (1) that cannot be held back (55). In
the English Cabalah, 74 (GD) refers to God.

\ 56/11 //

This number shows a need for self-control and balance. There is ner-
vous energy because the 5 comes first.

➛ The 5 seeks knowledge and often learns by experience. It is
male and female (3 and 2), and represents change or travel and
new happenings.
➛ The 6 refers to the body of something or a group. It is artistry,
generosity, loving, and giving.
Liberace’s name total was 11 and he was a magnificent (56) enter-
tainer at the piano-forte (56). His costumes were a phenomenon (56). He
showed generosity (56) in his lifetime. It’s interesting that he was so in
tune with those 56-words since his own name totaled 65.

Negative 56-words are:
Transgressor. Unfriendly.

\ 65/11 //

When the 6 comes before the 5 it means “a talent for leadership,” and
it also refers to things that are systematic and orderly:

Christianity. Coordination. Enlightenment.
Investigation. Relationship. Science of Mind.
Stenographer. Transportation.
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