The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1
Master Numbers


Positive: Artistic leanings. Creative. Dignified. High ideals. Highly
selective. Inspired. May be religiously or politically in-
clined. Not a physical laborer, but a professional. Persua-
sive. Quiet. Reserved. Teacher. Witty. Wants to uplift
people (as a whole, not necessarily individually).

Negative: A daydreamer: it’s far easier to dream about great things
than to accomplish them. Aimless. A loner. Can’t always
put ideas into constructive form. Confused. Emotional.
Expects too high a standard in others. In the world, but
not a part of it. Miserly. Not at all practical. Prejudiced.
Represses feelings. Repressive leader. Self-centered. Self-
love. Shiftless. Unfair.

Destructive:Devilish. Dishonest. Wicked. Lacks understanding. May
unconsciously antagonize others. Self-indulgent. Religious
If there are two 11’s in a name, the person may have very little tact.



“The Master Architect”

The 22 came to be known as a master number for several reasons. It
has always been the characteristic number of any circle, and the circle is
associated with the Monad, or God. The original Hebrew alphabet con-
sists of 22 letters that are the creative basis and attributes of all that has
been created. So 22 represents the whole circle of creation.

The 22 is the “So Below” for it makes manifest on the material plane.
It is known as the Master Architect because it is capable of building the
great roads, waterways, and buildings of the world.

The 22 knows how to unite the inspirational idea with the physical
manifestation. Yet 22 is less spiritual than the “As Above” numbers 11
and 33. It is more adaptable to the Earth plane; it can make manifest
because of its root of 4.

The energy with this vibration is very high. In childhood the child is
often hyperactive and must keep hands busy. This is the child who enjoys
Erector Sets and building blocks.

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