The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1
The Secret Science of Numerology

When working in the positive energy of this number, much good is
accomplished. Many constructive ideas come to 22’s and they have the
innate ability to make their ideas reality.

Words that add up to 22 reflect the attitudes of success:
Aglow. Capable. Gallant. Heed. Ideal. Modest. Nice.
Noted. Pro. Smile.
Negative attitudes of the same vibration are found in these 22-words:
Aloof. Biased. Bore. Dismal. Fret. Jumpy. Rage. Storm.
The 2 pays attention to detail and likes detailed work; so 22’s are
masters of detail. As a result they are valuable (22) to society:

Actress. Chef. Clerk. Clown. Crafts. Master. Model.
Sleuth. Statesman.
Other types of masters are:
Angels. Buddha. Guru.

A GURU has the full number of 67: a spiritual (7) teacher (6). The full
number of BUDDHA is 40, the number of someone who is admired for his
honesty and integrity. It is a number of completion and manifestation.

ANGELS have the full number of 58: great activity (5) on the mental
level (8).

On the opposite end of the spectrum are those who lack these traits:
Dope. Hobo. Liar.
These all share the full number of 40. They definitely show the oppo-
site of honesty, integrity, and completion.

Most 22’s have weak bodies in contrast to their strong minds. It is
important for them to have good nutrition. One end of the vibration is
starve (22) and the other is food (22). It is invaluable to good health to
laugh (22).

Laughter makes the body organs move in a harmonious rhythm that
is beneficial.

In Hebrew the 22nd letter is Tav, (;) the sign of the cross. This
makes the negative side of the vibration extreme, so negative 22’s lack
fulfillment and feel oppression. They become destructive materially and
spiritually and they are inclined to go to extremes, even against their own
judgement. They often have a hard struggle with themselves. These type
of people are in sympathy with the negative end of the spectrum which
includes the following negative 22-words:

Clip. Crash. Damage. Flop. Hurt. Harm. Lethal. Pain.
Spend. Stolen. Stoop.
Adolf Hitler is a prime example of a leader on the negative side of the
master numbers. His total name is an 11 and he was born on the 22nd of
the month.

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