The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1
Master Numbers

Since 2 is a number of sensitivity, 22 is doubly so. Safecrackers, whose
unusually sensitive fingers pick up the inner clicks of the combination
locks, have been found to have a strong 22 in their charts. TOUCH is
another 22-word. People with these master numbers in their name or birth
date have an unusually high amount of nervous tension. This means po-
tential for good, and when channeled into constructive projects they be-
come the benefactors of society by building what is most needed by the

But those who become frustrated for lack of an outlet for these ener-
gies, either through lack of education or misguided direction, become a
grave burden on society.

The strength of 22 is seen in nature, as in the following 22-words:
Muddy. Pond. Pool. Water. Woods. Stream. Trees.
The backbone of a mountain range is called a MASSIF (22) and one
of nature’s strongest forces is found in a STORM (22).

The 22 is the entire circle of God and His creation, and the spiritual
qualities that are to be developed for unfoldment. This number is equated
with major Water forces such as tidal waves and energy derived from
Water. People with this name number benefit from living near Water.

Water also equates with our emotions, so 22’s are extremely sensitive.
Feelings go as deep as the ocean, and when aroused, they “make waves.”
They can be one extreme or the other: calm and deep, or raging fury.

The 22 is 11 + 11. It has the vision of the 11 but is able to put it to
practical use. It completes work. It is very strong because it is the double
of both 2 and 11.


Positive: A doer. A hard and tireless worker. A master of
accomplishment. A very capable leader. An acute sense
of touch. Dynamic. Great achievements. Known as the
Master Architect. Organized. Practical.

Negative: Aimless. Fanatic. Feels inferior. Frustration. Indifferent.
Nervous tension.Talks big. Service with ill will.

Destructive:Black magic. Criminal. Crooked. Evil. Gang leader. On

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