The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1
The Secret Science of Numerology



“Selfless Giving”

This is the master number of spiritual giving. It is the “As Above” for
it benefits the spiritual needs of others. The root number 6 is the vibra-
tion of home, love, family, service, and responsibility. It must make its
voice heard in its family or career. “No greater love has any man than to
lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13).

One who will do this is experiencing the 33 vibration. Jesus was 33 years
old when he gave his life for humanity. The word SAVIOUR vibrates to 33,
so this is known as the love vibration in its highest form—compassion.

Another aspect of the master 33 vibration is the experience of the
Kundalini force making its way upward through the 33 segments of the
spine, opening the chakras as it rises, and causing a tingling sensation in
the body from the movement of the petals of each lotus-like wheel.

Positive aspects are seen in the following 33-words:
Ability. Angelic. Blessing. Inner. Inward. Peaceful.
Potence. Unique.
The diamond was chosen to be the spiritual gift a man gives to his
betrothed to show his love. Diamond vibrates to 33.

Hawaii is considered by many as Heaven on Earth. It totals 33.
Our great spiritual gift is the Genesis (33) of life. The opposite side of
the vibration is Doomsday, Holocaust, and Calamitous, all 33-words that
are the negative side of the spiritual.

Persons with 33 in a name or Birth Path number are highly sensitive
to the needs of others, and through their occupations they will give of
themselves in caring and comforting:

Broker. Costumer. Customer. People. Person. Pillow.
Police. Priest. Salesclerk. Selling. Teacher. Victor.
Occupations are the same as for 6, which is 33’s root number.
Some 33-words connected with love and family are:
Believe. Desire. Romance.
The 6 root represents the voice. When it is elevated to the 33 vibra-
tion we find it at its height in the great orator and in the teacher. 33-words
that have to do with the voice and sound are:

Announce. Concert. Dramatic. Dynamic. Preach.
Quality. Resound.
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